The Year Of Lost Confidence, Introspection And Retrospection
Posted by Mitch Mitchell on Dec 21, 2016
This will be the last post of 2016 on this blog; I think it's time for a short break. It's also time for a bit of a breakdown of why I've lost confidence in the overall good of people, some introspection of myself to handle it, and some retrospection to help me move forward. As usual, the final blog post of the year is about me... and about this blog and my business.
This is the year that I lost trust and confidence in society and the betterment of man... and woman. I've always believed in the best of people and said that in the end good things would win out; I was wrong. Not just in this country but in most countries around the world, this has been one of the worst years for decorum and people making truly informed decisions... and there's no one to blame but each other.
For my part, I almost quit social media; that's where my mind went. However, I knew that if I quit social media, I'd pretty much have to shut down my businesses as well, which includes my blogs. That's one of those "cut off my nose to spite my face" thoughts I had to get beyond because I knew there were other ways to cope.
My way... remove myself from the bad and the hate in the world and concentrate more on myself, my family and my career. Even if I don't trust people in general anymore and possibly question my patriotism, I still have some basic goals, which do involve the career I've created for myself.
I don't need the news to talk about leadership or diversity; I have life experiences and enough knowledge on this subject to last as long as I'm in the mood to continue doing it. The same with health care; the only news hospitals care about is what's going on with them and what I might be able to help them with.
I spent most of 2016 in a depressive state, mainly because of outside influences that have nothing to do with my daily life. Sure, I have some personal issues as it involves my mother's health condition, which I'm finally starting to be more proactive in dealing with, but that had less impact on my mindset than it should have.
In retrospect, I had some milestones this year. I celebrated my 11th year of blogging about leadership. I hit 1,300 posts on this blog and 1,700 on my other main blog. I also hit my 15th year of self employment and went to two conferences that had nothing to do with health care... the first ever for me. I also spoke to 3 groups this year, although I ended up writing about being a revenue cycle consultant instead of giving it as the presentation because there was a miscommunication with the person who booked me; it happens! lol
I did some nice things this year, had a few accomplishments... but I'm ending the year thinking more about reinventing both my business and my personal life; good thing I have my Franklin Planner.
What's coming for 2017? Specially I don't know; does anyone know for sure? I do have some things I'm planning on working on, but I think I'm going to hold most of those close to the vest for now. What I will say is that I'm expecting to do more in 2017 than I did in 2016. This means writing more, doing more videos, promoting myself more on social media and at local networking events and going all out to make this one of my best financial years ever. If I can keep my peace of mind, all's the better.
I want to feel more like the guy in the picture at the top right, not like the guy in the picture on this blog post. I've already started working towards that goal, as I'm in the process of redesigning my office for the first time in 10 years... with my wife's help of course. New office, new perspective, new goals, new demeanor... the skies the limit!
I invite you to come along as I leave 2016 behind... for good! It didn't happen; Just think of me as having a Pam moment and 2016 being Bobby Ewing (how's that for a reference?). Onward and upward; first star to the left and straight on till morning... I'll see you in 2017!
I will admit that 2016 was kind of a weird year and that I too was often in a sort of funk much of the time. I’ve also been tempted to leave social media behind and now I’ve reassessed a lot of what I’ve been doing. Guess I’ll decide in the weeks to come where I go next with it all.
To a great extent I blame the news media for the disruptive thinking of most of us and the division in this country. Now we’re in a peculiar state of mind in our country and the world and I’m not seeing much of a let up in the media. Personally I wish they’d cut back a great deal on the commentary and opinionating and just report news and facts.
However, since I have been a Trump supporter from the beginning and my guy won, I feel a sense of optimism about the direction that I hope the government might be taking. I’m saddened by the hatred that many have expressed towards me and other Trump supporters and the disconnect I’ve seen with other bloggers, old friends, and certain family members. It’s truly been vicious and I do blame false reportage by the media for causing many of these rifts.
Hope my views don’t create any rift between you and I though. I feel that we can all have different opinions, but still we can get along with that if we’re just nice to each other and talk respectfully about our differences.
In any case, you and your family have a very Happy Christmas and may the upcoming year bring wonderful things to all of us.
Arlee Bird
Thanks for commenting Arlee. I’ll tell you the truth, I avoid anything that has that man’s name associated with it. I saw your latest post and as soon as I saw his name I decided it was best to leave at that point. On this one I’m totally on the opposite side, but instead of blaming people for seeing it the other way I’ve decided it’s best to totally remove myself from the news and block his name & other names from my social media streams for my own peace of mind.
I’ve known you for a long time so you don’t count as far as those people I don’t trust. But I won’t be trusting anyone new or anyone I don’t know all that well because I don’t know what their motives or motivation might have been, and frankly I don’t care at this juncture. Whatever happens will happen; I’ve got to get on with life the best I can.
When all is said and done, the best we can do is take care of ourselves. I didn’t do a lot of that in 2016 so it’s my major goal for 2017… Mom & wife notwithstanding. Unless something personally impacts me or my business I just don’t want to care anymore for a while.
Oh, this comment is just to subscribe to any follow-up comments. And I guess I have to put in enough words for the comment to be accepted.
Yes, 2016 has been historic, and not in a positive sense. It’s a year marked by hatred, divisiveness, cruelty and (willful) ignorance. Yes, “the media” dropped the ball on the election. Real media outlets, like many Trump supporters, fell victim to a snake-oil salesman and master manipulator who used bullying, distraction and fake news sites to rise to the exalted position which he is about to hold — and has absolutely no respect for. I don’t see how anyone could vote for this man. There’s no need to go down the long list of his lies, thievery and bad behavior. Too late for that. But rather than give up, we have to fight for what is right. And yes, limiting our exposure to social media and the barrage of bad (real and especially fake) news is wise. I have not listened to NPR since Nov. 9. I cannot bear to hear Trump’s voice or any news of his Hitleresque rise to power. And I don’t even like Hillary! I was a Bernie Sanders guy, but he got screwed by the DNC — which, incidentally, is more to “blame” than “the media.” Of course, the millions of eligible voters who stayed home and didn’t exercise their patriotic right (duty) to vote are the biggest culprits. We reap what we sow, and Trump and his cabinet wannabes scare the living hell out of me. And that’s from a privileged, heterosexual white male perspective … I cannot begin to imagine the fear that everyone else must feel right now IF they are paying attention to what has happened since the election. I’m scared, Mitch. And I’m going to do whatever I can in a responsible, legal manner to stand up for those who are bound to suffer under this regime. My brother does pro bono legal work for immigrants (women and children) being detained at “centers” (prisons, essentially) in Texas, and he says the system is so unfair and cruel, it’s hard to witness. But he’s bearing witness and doing something about it. What other options do we have? None. OK, enough of my rant. Have a Merry Christmas, and let’s make the New Year as safe as we can. Cheers, Jim
Thanks for your comment Jim. I was quite stunned and depressed, but I had a feeling it was coming. The funny thing is that I’ve never heard of anyone winning an election when they only got 25% of the vote in their home state.
No matter; I’m done with it for the longest time… maybe even 4 years if I’m lucky. I need to concentrate on me in 2017, and if it goes how I want then maybe I’ll be ready to deal with the world again. I’ll be watching my back, though; you know what happened here in the Syracuse area over the course of a week after the election. That’s how I feel the next 4 years are going to be… I’ll be cautious and careful.
Hey Mitch,
I can understand what you feel. This year also got me a mixed feeling. I achieved and lost something, but yeah I learned from my past mistakes because I got no any mentor who can teach me things.
I have to differentiate myself what’s right in blogging. What’ll get me growth in blogging?
Even life is a mixture of all these things. If good days are there then bad days too.
My mother was also suffering from a disease in 2014. I can understand. but the show must go on.
I hope the new year will bring lots of success for you and your business and congratulations for the new office.
Thanks for your comment Nikhil. Truthfully, other than the 2nd conference I went to this year, I’m not sure I learned anything useful in 2016. I know I need to be better across the board in 2017, and I think I’m poised to do so. Only my mother’s needs could possibly hold me back, but even there I’m hoping for a bit more stability. We have to think positively, right? Good luck to you in the new year.
Hey there Mitch! Such an insightful post about some of the accomplishments you’ve made this year my friend in your biz.
I am wishing you nothing but GREATNESS in 2017. As far as the election goes, I have made it a point to steer very clear of any talk of politics. You know, its one of those things where in this case in my humble opinion, we had to choose from the lesser of two evils.
I guess I just made a firm decision that no matter who won this election, I would focus on building my business as much as I possibly can. Can’t wait to see how 2017 will unfold for sure. I want to personally thank you for all of your support this year my friend.
Wishing you and your family a blessed and prosperous New Year!
Hi Kim! I figure that even one of the worst years of my life had to have some good moments. This coming year I hope to document more of those so I’ll have better things to talk about next year at this time. I have many things to address and work on, including trying to get more and better sleep, but I have high hopes that there will be some kind of positive reversal in those things I can control so I can keep blocking out the bad things that lingered in 2016.
I’ll always keep supporting you and hoping you end up very successful so I can tell people I knew you when! 😉