Archive for February, 2009

It seems funny to me, and probably to some who know me, that I’ve waited until the last day of the month to write anything about Black History Month. It’s certainly not because there hasn’t been anything to talk about, that’s for sure. It’s strange, but in the year of Barack Obama as the new […]


I found someone else who has used coaching to help improve her life, though this time it’s more for business life that personal life. Once again, her name will be anonymous, but she named some people, and I’ve linked to those people as I could find them: 1. What kind of coach did you employ? […]


Some of you know I do executive coaching, though I’ll also sometimes do some life coaching. I’ve been asked by some folks what coaching is all about, and how it could help them. Though I always give an answer, coming from me, as someone who’s never had coaching, it always seems to come across as […]


A few days ago, our new Attorney General, Eric Holder, made a statement that’s got a lot of people upset. His main statement was that America is “essentially a nation of cowards” when talking about race. And you know what; he’s absolutely correct. It’s a strange thing for many people to consider, but let’s look […]


This is a special post for me because it’s my 500th post. Oddly enough, I started this blog on February 22nd, 2005, so it’s also almost the 4th anniversary of writing this blog. Based on the numbers, it seems fair to say that I’ve written an average of 125 posts a year on this blog, […]