First, the latest issue of the T. T. Mitchell Consulting Newsletter, Better Customer Service May Save Your Business, is available.

It's been a tough year thus far. Many people are overly stressed because of the economy. I don't know a single person who isn't affected in some fashion. We all either know someone out of work, are out of work ourselves, had to take a pay cut, lost money in our portfolios, can't make all of our payments, on and on and on. Frankly, it's been the leading topic of national news almost every day this year, disasters notwithstanding.

I have talked about the movie and book The Secret in the past, but I've never talked about the main principle, or my belief in that principle; that's astounding to me, but it's true. Anyway, the main principle, or 'the secret', is known as the Laws Of Attraction. Basically, what it states is that what you manifest, you bring into your life. Sometimes it's immediate, sometimes it takes time, but eventually, it will come your way.

I'm not religious at all, and it's hard for me to just believe in things without some kind of reasoning, but this is one principle that I definitely do believe in. I believe in it because I've seen it happen for me many times over. When I'm feeling good, good things tend to happen; when I feel bad, the opposite happens. If I can react to a negative situation in as positive a light as possible, then those things not only don't seem so bad, but good things seem to happen for me. I just wrote a story on one of my other blogs called The Key, where, because of my positive mindset, chaos turned out to be closer to a miracle, only I do't see it as a miracle because, deep down inside, I knew it was going to end well.

Many of us are in a bad way mentally. It's easy to stay down and feel sorry for yourself, and no one would blame you for feeling bad for a little while. However, the longer you feel bad, the longer you attract negative things into your life. I have found that when I start doing positive things, positive things start coming my way. It doesn't matter what kind of positive steps you take. All that matters is that you try to bring a different thought into your mind, thinking about things that make you feel better and doing things that make you happy.

Of course, if that's all it took, everyone would be doing it. But it's a good start. So, take a few mental days off; after all, it's Friday. Enjoy yourself over the weekend; change your mindset. And, hopefully, you'll come into Monday with a different attitude and mindset, and you'll be better equipped to address any potential challenges in your life. And who knows; you might have just sparked better things coming your way.

If you'd like more information on this concept of the Laws Of Attraction, check out some of these resources below:

Ten Laws Of Attraction

Laws Of Attraction, Wikipedia

Laws Of Attraction Info