Seems that come the fall of 2007 there's going to be a new online news organization calling itself Real News. Their model is different than what we've seen before. Supposedly, they're going to try to be user supported only, meaning that for $10 a month, you'll get unfettered, pure news from around the world, along with longer stories exploring things such as the environment, politics and religion, terrorism, etc.

Personally, I think it's a pretty good idea if they can actually do it. Quite ambitious also; is the world ready to pay for news it hopes comes across without having to worry about whether the sponsors will pull their ads if they don't like what they see? My thought is that they have to generate at least a million a month in order to really run this model effectively; if they can do that, then it might be worth it in the long run.

To take a look at it, go here: