
I’m going to admit something here. I get angry… often. There’s a lot of things to get angry about, based on things I see and hear, mainly online, since I almost never watch TV and, except when I’m consulting, spend a lot of time working on my own. darwin Bell via Compfight I can’t blame […]

I’m not one of those people who really wants to track genealogy. I don’t want to learn too much about the history that led me to being here, mainly because I think there would be some things that would come up that would make me angry enough to want to confront someone who had nothing […]

It’s rare that I actually write a post and decide to rewrite it. It’s even rarer that I write a post and decide that’s not quite the post I want to write and delete it. That’s what’s happened this time around; and yes, it was on a leadership topic. Dietmar Temps via Compfight There are […]

It’s Black History Month again, and this is the first post on this blog where I’m mentioning it. It might be the last; it might not be. Doesn’t really matter since I’m liable to talk about race relations and diversity issues all times during the year. It’s time to talk about it now; let’s see […]

A few weeks ago there was a CNN poll conducted that, for many people, was illuminating. The only part of it illuminating for me was that the numbers weren’t more severe. The first number was that 49% of the American population thought racism was a big problem. This number is higher than after the O.J. […]