First, the latest issue of the T. T. Mitchell Consulting Newsletter, Chain Of Command, is now available.

I've been thinking a lot about leadership over the past few days, as we get closer and closer to the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama. It seems that he's been in the news more than the still President Bush, which is strange because the world is going through some tough economic times, and even though President Bush is the final days one would still expect that he'd be trying to do one last big thing to help truly stimulate the economy/ Maybe he realizes that anything he does could be overturned by Mr. Obama, but I wouldn't have expected that he'd just stop and wait for Obama to take office as he has.

What's funny is how the press and the rest of the world has already accepted Mr. Obama as the leader of this country, even though he hasn't taken office. I read online news where people are wondering why Obama hasn't done anything to help stop the present conflict in the Middle East, or why he's yet to say just how he's going to fix the economy, and a host of other questions. No one else seems to want to acknowledge that someone else is still the president of the United States for another 9 days.

When things get really tough, people seem to be ready to look for someone to help them get through their difficulties. If the person who's their leader can't get it done, they're ready to find someone else to lead them. It's funny because I've never been one of those people looking for someone else to lead me. I'd rather take my own shot at fixing a problem that affects me, rather than wait for someone else to take care of it for me. I do acknowledge that there are things out of my control, things I'm not in the position to fix that don't affect me, so instead I take care of those things that do affect me and move on from there.

We can't always sit around waiting for someone else to take care of us. Even the best of leaders can only do so much for those people hoping for some sort of salvation for all their ills. Every person needs to be ready to take a chance and work through their problems, and try to fix whatever they can for themselves. We are all leaders of our own lives, which means we have some control over our own destiny. Embrace that, and work towards your own better future.