Archive for March, 2018

Confidence is a funny thing. When you have it, you feel like there’s nothing in the world that can stop you. You feel like you can make all the money you want to make; you feel as though you’re smarter than every person you meet; you feel entitled to the better things in life; you […]

I went to a networking event earlier this evening. Before I got there, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some medicine for my mother, who’s been fighting a cold lately. I walked into the store close behind this young couple that was ahead of me. pondering the imponderable When we got into […]

A few years ago, I created a video and put it on my video channel. I was taking a position on a very controversial topic that’s still controversial, concerning race, and I knew that there might be some people who disagreed with me. The video didn’t get a single comment, though it had a nice […]

Most of the time I write about what it takes to be a good or great leader. It’s a topic many of us who write, teach or speak about leadership do. Yet, if we look at things properly, I think we all know that there will only be so many great leaders in the world. […]