Archive for September, 2015

You’d think after 14 years that the thing with the falling of the World Trade Center Twin Towers, the plane that crashed into the Pentagon and the other plane that a group of heroic people made fall in Pennsylvania, giving up their lives for the lives of others, would get easier to deal with. Nope; […]

A couple of days ago something hit me while I was on Twitter. It’s one of those types of thoughts where the light bulb goes off, your mind crystallizes, your words become focused, and you have to say what you have to say. In this case I wrote this: “Many might think it’s semantics, but […]

A couple of days ago I was on one of those websites that not only talks about the top 10 this or the worse 10 that. You know the ones, where you have to go through multiple pages to see all the things or people the articles are addressing. I usually hate those sites but […]

On Sunday my wife and I had the pleasure of babysitting our 2-year old great niece, named appropriately Shaniece. Because of our schedules we don’t get to see her all that often, so when we were asked if we could watch her for a few hours while her mother and grandmother went to the NY […]