Archive for November, 2007

Many here in America don’t realize that there’s a British version of the show America’s Got Talent. Well, they started it, after all, and it’s called Britain’s Got Talent. Anyway, last year, out of the blue, they got this guy named Paul Potts, a cell phone salesman who wanted to sing opera. They looked at […]

I’ve had people tell me they wish I’d get into politics and run for office. I tell people that I don’t have the temperament for politics. Some of what I hear these people say about each other would have me wanting to drive to someone’s house and dare them to say it to my face. […]


A nationally syndicated radio host named Warren Ballentine is urging black Americans to participate in what he’s calling a “black out” tomorrow. In essence, he wants black Americans to not buy a single product tomorrow to try to send a message that “blacks are fed up with racism and injustice, and he rejects criticism that […]
