Archive for April, 2006

(originally published January 8th, 2006) I ran into a business networking associate at a store on Friday night. We had a short conversation, during which he made a statement along the lines of my not really being able to ever claim true success if I couldn’t define my marketplace. Of course, I have defined my […]


(originally published July 4th, 2005) I love America, my home country. America is the only country in the world that’s gone to war to protect and free others, and in modern times always returned to its own shores, not staying as conquerors. America is the first country called upon whenever there’s a disaster anywhere in […]


(originally published December 31st, 2005) I don’t usually do New Years resolutions because I tend to believe that every day is another opportunity to begin anew. Still, I found myself with time this weekend, and I’ve spent most of today going through all the paper, manuals, and magazines in my office, discarding more than half […]


(originally published December 28th, 2005) I hope everyone had a very nice Christmas; those who celebrate Christmas, that is. Once again this year, I went to my mother’s house for the holiday. Both of my wife’s parents are gone, as well as her grandparents, and I still have Mom and my grandmother. This year was […]


(originally published April 13th, 2005) I belong to a writer’s group, and this weekend we’re having a writer’s workshop at the local library. It’s been in the newspaper, and we have at least 25 people coming. One of the speakers, a local director, was one of the reasons for the draw. However, today he withdrew […]
