Why Coaching? Take Two
Posted by Mitch Mitchell on Feb 26, 2009
I found someone else who has used coaching to help improve her life, though this time it's more for business life that personal life. Once again, her name will be anonymous, but she named some people, and I've linked to those people as I could find them:
1. What kind of coach did you employ?
I have three coaches:
1) I started with a sales coach (Eric Lofholm) with whom I was in weekly contact for the first year. As I became more sales savvy, the calls became less frequent and now I use him on a 'refresher' basis only because we tend to forget what we have learned.
2) Because real estate is such a unique type of sales, I employed the services of Tom Ferry. With real estate coaching, one gains more from the interaction with other agents (retreats, seminars and conference calls) than the weekly calls - what they did that worked and what didn't work; interactive panels and role play. Nothing beats learning from someone who is successful and has has gone before you and there is much to lose by reinventing the wheel.
3) Joe Stumpf of By Referral Only coaches on developing one's referrals business and this, basically is the 'bread and butter' that just keeps coming in, while one is working on other things.
2. What led you to decide to get a coach?
Irrespective of the industry, we tend to lose a ton of money 'trying this' and 'trying that', in order to get and STAY on track. Because real estate is such a high cost business, it was cheaper for me to pay a coach than to lose thousands and many months learning the hard way.
3. What is a coaching session like for you?
Coaching sessions are usually 30 minutes in duration, and the times are set well in advance. It is important to be prepared for one's coaching time so as to not waste precious time because the talk is fast and furious, once it starts. I look forward to my sessions because I use them as a benchmark for growth. If I do what my coach advises and complete my 'homework', then I am the one who benefits and that growth is measurable. It's like a kid looking forward to the once weekly milk shake treat after doing chores all week! Very positive and uplifting.
4. How often do you communicate with your coach?
With most coaches, there is a once weekly session (some, every second week) but most coaches allow you to contact them if something important comes up. I have been fortunate in that all my coaches are just an e-mail away and they encourage contact, so I feel that they are there for me.
5. What has been the biggest change in your life that came from coaching?
Accountability and responsibility. Although I always had these things before, having my feet held to the flames, made me more accountable and more able to accept the responsibility of my actions - good or bad. Certainly, my time management improved vastly and I live by 'highest and best use of time'.
6. What is the hardest thing about having a coach?
Not all coaches are a good fit. They can be the best coach in the world but an uncomfortable fit and then it's time to ask for a change of coach. It's not the end of the world.....
7. Would you recommend coaching for everyone?
No. Some people are uncoachable and try to coach the coach because they want others to think that they know it all. Some people believe that not knowing something about their industry is a sign of weakness and should be countered by an arrogant front. When working with a coach, it is important to trust the coach, have faith in them and to be absolutely honest with them and yourself. Being flexible and willing to break from ones 'norm' to try new things (or old things new ways) is part of 'out of the box' results. If you can't make yourself coachable, don't get a coach, but if you can be open to change and guidance, a coach can be the best thing for you and your business.
Let's take fitness coaches: The reason that so many people shy away from them is because they would have less opportunity to cheat on their diet/exercise. Having a coach of any description can bring out the best in a person, but only if they are open to improvement. To those who want to remain the same, enjoying the same old results year after year, I say, don't get a coach, but to those who want to go from mediocre to sensational in any field, find yourself a coach!
What some people don't realize is that ANY coaching will take into consideration the 5 pillars of life, which among other things include rest and family, in order to maintain balance. When one's balance is out of whack, no areas succeed to any extent.
Mitch, in the time that you have known me, you have always marveled at the amount that I can get done in a day - THAT is what comes of coaching! Certainly, for some people, living two days for every 24 hours that pass, is not their ideal, but it is for me. I know that I only have 'so' much time on this planet and I intend to make every precious second count for something. I push myself hard - and then I employ coaches to push me further, to squeeze that last ounce of capability out of me, to keep me in balance.
I once again thank another friend for sharing her coaching experiences with us. Just like I said the last time, if you're looking for an executive coach, I hope you'll consider me while making your selection.
Good Morning! I finished reading these two blogs on coaching. Very nice… sounds like the people you interviewed are really benefiting from coaching. As if I had any doubt 🙂
Thanks for the comment, Sue. I hope to find more people who have received at least a little bit of coaching who I can “interview” for this series.