It's a little bit early, but since I'll have other things to do, I decided to look back at what my goals were for 2007 to see how close or far I was from all of them.

1. Lose 35 pounds. Well, that one didn't happen, so it'll probably be back on the list for next year. The best thing is that, until two weeks ago, I hadn't gained any weight from the same period last year, which wasn't bad. In the last two weeks, since I've increased my insulin level, my weight started going up, so I've had to increase my workout levels, which has stabilized things some. My glucose levels are also coming down, so maybe this was a wake up call I needed.

2. Have $50,000 sitting in a savings account. Actually, that one was a bit too high, based on my past earning capacity, so I didn't come close to that. I did increase the amount that's in my savings, so at least I went in the right direction. I'll probably look to increase my savings account some more, but I need to be more realistic, obviously.

3. Create/start/obtain two more businesses. Well, the term "businesses" is open to interpretation, but I did create two more websites for myself, and helped my wife launch hers, so I can say that I reached this one.

4. Donate $2,000 to charities this year. Nope, didn't come close to this either, but I did give more this year than in the past, so I feel good about that.

5. Introduce a new vegetable or fruit into my diet. This one I actually tried to do, but it didn't work out. I started eating bananas, which I'm not overly crazy about, and suddenly my glucose level started to increase. Seems that bananas are high on the glycemic index, so they're the wrong thing for me, it would seem. So, now I get to keep this one for myself, but think of something else I might want to try.

So, I hit one of my goals on the nose, and had a shot at a second. I'm not upset; not even close. I put my goals out there to the public, gave it my best shot, and, well, there you go. I'll be doing the same type of thing for 2008, because, without goals, there's no reason to even try.