I am proud to announce that this blog is a part of the leadership blogs section on Guy Kawasaki's Alltop news site. It's kind of an elite group listing, so I'm honored to be included in that listing.

For the uninitiated, Guy Kawasaki is the guy who made Apple a player in the personal computing world back in the 1980's. Without him, the world might still only belong to Microsoft and their operating system. So he was a big deal, having two stints at Apple, and along the way starting other technology companies before becoming a business consultant.

Back in May, I accepted a request to help him edit his book, and then in October I wrote a review about the book, Reality Check, on my other blog. I also got a signed copy of the fully published book, as it ran itself up the top of the NY Times charts. Suffice it to say, this is the biggest connection I've ever made since I've been working for myself, even bigger than when I met Ken Blanchard of One Minute Millionaire fame.

Anyway, it's a nice honor, one I hope I can live up to as I continue trying to bring all of you the best that I can. But this man, Guy Kawasaki; now there's a true business leader and innovator.