(originally posted April 10th, 2005)

Have you ever felt off? By that, I mean you just don’t feel like yourself? You’re not angry or mad or upset, you just don’t feel like you do all the other times.

Everyone goes through something like this at one time or another. Some people chalk it up to being restless or bored; I don’t know that it’s either of those things.

I do know, however, that there are things we can do to try to alter how we’re feeling. Actually, altering is precisely what I’m going to recommend. Change your routine, no matter if it’s a big thing or a small thing. For instance, I tend to sit at my computer most of the day; I rarely will leave the computer when I’m home, which is a shame. But whenever I feel off, I’ll grab a book and go into another room. Sometimes I do a good thing and get on the treadmill for awhile. When the weather gets just a little bit better, I’ll think about going for a walk in the neighborhood, or getting into the car and driving to Onondaga Lake for a walk.

We all need a change in routine every once in awhile. If you find that what you’ve selected doesn’t work, try something else. That’s the beauty of life; we always have another chance to try something new.