Well, that's quite a title, isn't it? However, it's not really my title, but the title a friend of mine gave to something I posted at an online networking site that he felt was pertinent enough to put on his site. And, since I don't belong to that particular blog service, and don't want to sign up for another one, I figured it was just easier to put a link to said article here.

Seems like I'm talking a lot about race lately, doesn't it? Well, things seem to go in cycles, and just being minority in America offers up some interesting things every once in awhile. My latest was going to this Thai restaurant Saturday night for the first time while my wife was out of town. At one point, the owner or manager of the restaurant came out and went to every table individually, welcoming them to the restaurant. Every table, that is, except mine. Yes, I was the only black person in the room at the time. True, I was reading a book while eating the food, but he interrupted conversations other people were having to say hello, so how long would it have taken for him to just say hello to me, like he did everyone else? At least his wait staff was very courteous and kind; still,...

Amazing how it comes and goes like that.