I've yet to meet Allan DeKaye, though I will be meeting him in about two weeks. I've known about him for a long time, though, as he's a healthcare consultant whose forte is information and statistics. At least that's the impression I've always had about him, as he used to write a newsletter years ago, plus he puts out a report that helps hospitals with their analyses by coming up with benchmark statistics that hospitals can aim for.

1. What is DeKaye Consulting, Inc??

DEKAYE Consulting, Inc. (www.dekaye.com) -- Healthcare consulting firm focused on the revenue cycle for healthcare organizations, physician groups and corporate entities.

2. What made you decide to go into this business?

It provided a vehicle and opportunity for being able to bring creative solutions to organizations in the marketplace without all of the bureaucracy of large consulting organizations. When it's your business, you can do that--although it does come with challenges!

3. What types of challenges have you had along the way?

When it's your business, it can be a "24 x 7 x 365" proposition, so finding time and a way to "turn" if off (or down) is necessary and requires a certain amount of discipline; and it is difficult to do.

4. Have the positives outweighed the negatives, and if so, how?

Definitely! There is an even greater level of satisfaction from successfully completing a client's project than when working for a large company. In addition to doing it for the client, you do it for yourself, and this is personally rewarding. Of course, maintaining the consistently high level of energy and commitment is necessary to ensure achieving those types of results on a regular basis.

5. What would you recommend for anyone looking to go into business for themselves?

It is a not a commitment to be taken lightly. It will take a lot of effort and hard work to make it succeed. You should try to differentiate yourself from others offering the same or similar services. When you do it for others, you put their name on it; when you do it for yourself, it's your name that goes on it. Do it with pride; these differences do matter, and can lead to success!