Ignite Employee Fires!

  A workshop on motivating employees


Do you have employees?  Do they treat the company as if it’s their own, or are they there only to pick up a check?  Do you know what it is that most employees want from a job?  They want to feel as though they’re a part of what’s going on.  It’s not money; it’s not status… its appreciation.

Do you have the skills to properly motivate your employees to think of your company as the path to a great career?  If not, come to this absolutely essential workshop for your business today.  At this workshop, you will learn how to make each and every person who works for you feel special.  While you’re at it, you’ll also learn that you’re as great as you want to be, and that ultimate prosperity comes in many different forms.

How good do you want to feel?  This workshop will teach you this concept, as well as:

  • Positive language that inspires everyone
  • Thought provoking questions that open minds
  • Sharing; your business is their business
  • What blocks employee progress, and how to open the floodgates
  • Identifying their needs, your needs, your customers needs

T. T. “Mitch” Mitchell has been giving workshops and seminars in central New York and around the country for the past three years.  He has received overwhelmingly positive responses from those who have attended his presentations.  Your employees deserve to have someone with top skills and a complete understanding of their issues to make them feel special and to lead them towards a more positive future.

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