In a recent article by the Harvard Business Review titled Why Great Leaders Are in Short Supply, their premise was that there’s a dearth of leaders in society that seem capable of getting the job done, whatever the job is, and that as great leaders disappear so also goes the wealth of new and great […]

Last week on one of my other blogs I started what will become a series on the topic of marketing one’s business. I put it on that blog because it talks more about things one can do online, and many of the people who visit there think about how they can make money online without […]

Today I had lunch with a colleague who does sales training for a living. During the conversation we got into the issue of having to try to convince prospects that there are inherent benefits to the types of training that we offer and why those who are in charge of possibly setting these types of […]

This is a special post for me because it’s my 500th post. Oddly enough, I started this blog on February 22nd, 2005, so it’s also almost the 4th anniversary of writing this blog. Based on the numbers, it seems fair to say that I’ve written an average of 125 posts a year on this blog, […]