Archive for April, 2006

(originally posted April 20th, 2006) I have a friend, Kim, who owns a gift basket company. Not only are her products great, but she’s got customer service down to a science. I have ordered three times from her, and it never ceases to amaze me just how customer friendly her service is. As a for […]


(originally published April 5th, 2005) What would you rather be, right, liked, or respected? If you’re like me, you probably want to be all of these. We can be all of these, if we work at it. But I would bet we all know more people who seem to act as though they want to […]


(originally published June 8th, 2005) I like being correct. I don’t think I’m any different than anyone else in saying this, except there’s many people who don’t want to go on record by saying it. In my zeal to always try to be correct, I always am on guard in making sure that I don’t […]


(originally published July 2nd, 2005) I know things aren’t going well between Mexico and black people in America today, but how can even the President of the country not think this is outrageous: For those of you who don’t know, these are the newest stamps being put out by the Mexican government of one of […]


(originally published July 20th, 2005) There was this commercial last year for Citibank where one woman asked another woman when the baby was due. When the other woman said she wasn’t pregnant, and was ready to challenge the first woman, the first woman said “thank you”. The second woman was stunned, said “Who, me?”, and […]